Filip Xu

The Practice of Filip Xu, an Art Director based in Stockholm, Sweden

SEB Säkra Dina Vuxenpoäng 

The journey to becoming an adult is more about what you do than your exact age. It could be buying your first shares, starting a pension savings plan, opening an investment savings account (ISK), or preparing for your first home. As you grow and make more mature decisions, you also give your money a chance to grow. That’s why we have gathered guides and videos to help you secure your "adult points" and grow financially.

Created together with the Award-winning production Agency New–Land.

SEB Brand Creatives:

Creative Director: Mathias Appelblad
Design Director: Johan Fredriksson
Project Manager: Claudia Lundemo

Copywriter: Julia Eriksson
Art Director: Filip Xu

Executive Producer: Erik Amberntsson
Director: Felix Scheynius
DoP: Hugo Otto Vallin

© Filip Xu 2024